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Bonfire Night and Fireworks

Whoosh, Zoom, Bang, Pop, Whizz! What a fun week we've had talking about the excitement of the upcoming Bonfire Night. We were delighted that we had some rainy days this week because it made the effects of the paint on the ground really pop! The children used sponges and brushes to flick, splatter, mix and dab the paint onto the ground, paper or fabric frame. We just love how the children used their brooms to create striking effects with the paints.

The bonfire collages are great too, the children had immense fun tearing tissue paper and gluing onto black paper. They even gathered twigs in the woods and we know that wood burns.

Children also used reusable materials to create their flame effects such as tin foil dipped in paint and bubble wrap. We just love how cut up kitchen roll tubes makes the effects of a huge rocket exploding in the sky.

Kindergarten children were invited to make their own patterns and designs using 'loose parts'. Children had the opportunity to look at photographs of fireworks and interpret their own designs using glass decorative beads, pom-poms, shells, coloured lolli-pop sticks and silver paper.

Are you planning on going to any events this weekend? Perhaps you are hosting your little get together with friends to celebrate the occasion. Please send us some pictures for your child's learning journey, plus we would love to see them as they are a great prompt for discussion. Thank you, stay safe and have fun!

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