Carnival & Fair 2024
Roll up, roll up! All the Fun of the Fair! Some of our children enjoyed a walk to Barnstaple Fair and had an amazing time! We were super proud of their listening and road safety. Along the way we met the Postmen delivering letters, we saw the train at the railway station and saw the patrol cars at the Police Station too. The children were so excited to see the rides at the Fair, the Big Wheel, the Helter Skelter and the Alligator roller coaster were voted the best! Thank you to the kind stall holder who gave us a bag of Candy Floss to bring back to nursery too!
Then on Saturday 21st September, we attended the fantastic Barnstaple Carnival! We were very proud to be part of the parade and to win First Prize in the walking class!
An enormous thank you to our team, friends and families who joined us to create a colourful ‘ Reading More in 24’ theme, your outfits were fabulous! Thank you to friends and families who spotted us in the audience and donated coins in our buckets, our chosen charity SNUG.