Everyone's Talking about DINOSAURS!
Our new theme is Dinosaurs and our little Ladybirds and Butterflies, (0-2 years), are really embracing this. They have been introduced to the wonderful world of Dinosaurs with an invitation to explore the muddy swamp....Little fingers have been grasping, holding pots, pouring, scooping and investigating the sensory table. The muddy swamp is cocoa gloop, (cornflour), and the dinosaurs make amazing stompy footprints!
The children in Dragonflies have been learning about Dinosaurs. They know about the different types, names, sizes and differences between the dinosaurs. We think they would have made this sound... "Raaaaa!" The children can tell you about their diet too because we've been talking about Herbivores and Carnivores!
The children know about bones and the skeleton. They know that bones of dinosaurs are hidden in the rocks and they loved the provocation to discover the bones, (picture cards), using different size brushes in the sand to reveal their finds!
One of the highlights was to rescue the dinosaurs from the blocks of ice. The children worked together to figure out a way to rescue them. Some children thought about smashing the ice, others thought about using tools to crack it and there were conversations with other children in Kindergarten about melting the ice. Fear not, all dinosaurs were rescued! Hooray!!
Kindergarten have loved talking about Dinosaurs recently. We are currently making some wonderful dinosaurs for our display board in the play room. Dinosaur feet have been STOMP, STOMP, STOMPING through the painty swamp and onto plain sheets of paper for some great artwork! We have been making dinosaur swamps, rescuing dinosaurs from blocks of ice, playing dinosaur imaginary play and reading dinosaur themed stories. One of our favourites is 'Harry and his Bucket Full of Dinosaurs' by Ian Whybrow.