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Feeling Hot! Hot! Hot!

Wow, it's been a hot week but the children have all been so amazing and coped with the heat really well. Water play was of course the main and popular activity! Watering the plants, playing in the shade straight away first thing in the morning, quiet games, puzzles, stories, naps and delicious frozen fruit and water melon has all helped us cool down this week. Even our dear pet rabbit Winnie Butter-Jelly has enjoyed being misted by a cool and refreshing spray bottle.

Our little Ladybirds and Butterflies have been busy enjoying stories and songs in their cool rooms. Butterflies have been exploring the woods and looking after Winnie.

Dragonflies and Kindergarten have been making 'Tree Keepers - Guardians of the Forest', using clay and loose parts. They keep watch over the woods to ensure that all the creatures and plants live and sleep well.


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