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Football, New Climbing Arch and a Travel Agent

Our little Ladybirds and Butterflies, (0-2 years), are absolutely loving the new climbing arch in their room. It is such a welcome resource, meeting many of their developmental needs including their muscle development, coordination, spatial awareness and really tests their agility, perseverance and in some children, courage. Baby Champion Emma enthuses, "Our children particularly seek out things to climb on so when I introduced it, they immediately gravitated towards it. The children really love it. I've seen them really test themselves and they are getting more confident each time. A real sense of achievement. It is a safe structure that has so many benefits, I hugely recommend it."

Our vegetables are doing really well in the vegetable patch and some of the children have noticed that 'Betty Bee' has pollinated the yellow flowers and green tomatoes are now growing. The children have planted cucumbers and rocket this week.

We had tremendous fun on the big hill this week. We used all our might to pull ourselves up the hill using rope and it really challenged us to hold on tight exercising those strong muscles, developing our sense of coordination, balance and exerting excellent proprioception input which is the sense we have that tells us about body position using our muscles,ligaments and tendons.

We have been learning about spiders and found a huge spider called Hilary! She had 8 legs and 6 eyes! We made spider eye headbands and enjoyed many spider poems, songs and stories. Our favourite inevitably being 'Incy-Wincy'.

Dragonflies have been embracing our new topic 'All Around the World' and we just love the role play area that has been transformed into a Travel Agency. The children have been browsing the brochures, making telephone calls and looking at books featuring many different countries, cities, rural landscapes, cultures, food, clothes, language and people. The children are enjoying this theme and many are talking about their own experiences, "I went on a ferry. It's a boat. I went to the Isle of Wight"

"I'm from the world. I'm from home and India." "I went on a train."

We said a huge thank you and farewell for the rest of the summer to Andy from Romar Sports. He has been coaching the children in Kindergarten this term. We have enjoyed an action packed programme where children have learnt and developed vital skills including turn taking, team work, sportsmanship, following instructions and resilience. Thank you Andy, we'll see you in the Autumn term.


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