Harvest Time
It's that wonderful time of year when we are ready to start harvesting our lovely produce that we have been tendering to throughout the year. The children know that the plants and vegetables need soil, sun and water. They have been watching them grow from seed, weeding, measuring them and we even made a scarecrow called 'Gerald' back in the summer. We are now picking the beans, digging up the potatoes and enjoying our lovely herb garden too. We talk about healthy food and how to keep our bodies and our teeth and gums healthy. Some children sliced the vegetables with an adult to see what the vegetable looks like inside. Some of the comments we received:
"We cook it then it's hot. Then we put it onto the plate."
"We get a seed in the soil and it grows."
"You put it in the water and it's hot" Adult "What temperature does it need to be?" "One O'Clock."
"This is the bestest day in the woods."