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Life Skills 2022

Every year we put on a two week programme for children in Kindergarten designed to develop and enhance their life skill knowledge, independence & confidence. This year, we have enjoyed a wonderful two week programme and it was extra special because we were able to open our doors to visitors again! The children welcomed Kim from Torrington Dental Practice. The children took part in lots of activities and enjoyed stories about visiting the dentist.

One of the most exciting days was when the Police visited us. The Police Officers talked to the children about their role keeping people safe and helping people. The children were lucky enough to sit in the car and the officers even switched the siren on - it was rather loud!

Cheeky Monkey paid us a visit to talk about Recycling. The children had lots of fun helping Cheeky Monkey sort through a bag of items including an egg carton, a plastic bottle, a yoghurt pot, a ball of foil and a newspaper. Everyone had a go at putting it in the recycling truck toy.

Road Safety was another important day learning how to cross the road safely. The children have been driving their cars around the chalk lined playground on the 'roads', observing sign posts, looking at posters, talking about their own experiences and playing the 'traffic light' game.

Emily Hobson-Martin, (author of the Planet Hilda books), sent the children a wonderful video message and read out her book, 'Otto's Ocean'. The children then loved creative writing themselves and we read their stories at Circle Time. listen to the video here...

Sarah talked to the children about Beach Safety and the children know all about life guards, flags at the beach, what to pack in a beach bag and high/low tides.


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