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'Little Locks' Visit Kindergarten

Every year our school leavers in Kindergarten participate in our Life Skills programme, designed to give children the opportunity, knowledge and experience to talk about life in our community and people who help us.

Today, we welcomed Mandy from Little Locks Hair Salon, to talk to us about visiting the hair dresser. Mandy, who is based in the Barnstaple salon in Bear Street, embraces a patient and nurturing philosophy; "it's so important for children to feel at ease when they have their hair cut. They're told not to talk to strangers or touch sharp objects so you can imagine how confusing it can be. It takes time and patience and all children are different." Mandy certainly has lots of that. We heard about Mandy's gentle and caring reputation from a number of our families; "She's the only person that has cut my child's hair. He won't see anyone else. It doesn't matter if she goes over her allotted time, she always puts the child first."

The children inquisitively entered the playroom and were met by Mandy and her friend 'Stormy' - "Look a robot!" exclaimed one excited 4 year old!

Mandy introduced herself and talked about her job working in a salon. We had the opportunity to look at all the different instruments that are used to cut, shape, style and section the hair. She demonstrated using these on Nursery Nurse Lucy, who came away with beautiful Princess Plaits and two gorgeous pink clips.

The children offered their own experiences:

"My Dad got them, they make this sound....buzzzz" "I got plaits in today and I got a clip"

"My Mummy got that brush. I got a brush. My Mummy brushes my hair and I got long hair now."

The children presented Mandy with a lovely hand made card and we thank her and Stormy for a fantastic morning.


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