Love and Mindfulness in the Early Years
A big part of our ethos here at St. Michael's is well being and mindfulness. From the babies right through to kindergarten, the children enjoy a wide range of experiences to support their curiosity, awe, wonder, social and emotional development. Treasure baskets, a variety of instrumental music, puppets, gardening, snipping herbs, talking about what we love about our life, making calming down jars, building a bug hotel, snacks in the garden and playing with clay are all things we do here to enjoy 'living in the moment' and 'being present' with each other. This feeling is called ‘Hygge’, the Danish concept of living in the moment.
We have been finding out what the children love about their life, talking about their families, their friends, pets and all the wonderful things that they enjoy doing. We have been making garlands, reading books together, spending time with our pet rabbit Winnie, lying down and looking up at the sky, bird watching, completing jigsaws and listening to one another at Circle Time. This all builds respect, friendships, empathy and compassion.