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Nature Grant Awarded to Nursery

We have been celebrating our £500 nature grant! 'Learning through Landscapes' is a UK charity dedicated to supporting outdoor learning, play and staff training development. In partnership with The People's Lottery, Learning through Landscapes awards a limited number of schools and childcare settings a grant in order to support and enhance their outdoor provision.

They look at the settings ecological impact report, biodiversity plans, green policy and educational development goals and equipment. With this grant, we are absolutely thrilled to be able to continue our hard work as an award winning plastic free nursery in the sustainability category.

We have received an amazing amount of equipment and woodwork tools in order to enhance our outdoor learning, woodwork projects and forest school provision.

We welcomed Suzi to a staff twilight session to expertly train all staff in how to use the tools safely and confidently.

We are so excited for the amazing learning experiences that we continue to offer within our setting. Thank you to Learning through Landscapes and the People's Lottery for this grant.


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