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Puddle Jumping and Garden Games

It's been a very wet February so we have had to wrap up warm with plenty of layers, put on our wellies and waterproofs. We have certainly embraced the weather this month and found plenty of inviting puddles to jump in.

One of the highlights this week has been the many fun games and activities in the rain. Children from all rooms in the nursery met up in the garden and were engaged in the exciting activities; cricket, Duplo, slide, playhouse, tricycles, running games, balance games, beanbags, hoops and football.

The large pipe course has been a huge hit with the children working collaboratively to design the course. The children collected water in small pots and sent it down the pipes and collected the water into a bucket, recycling it to use on their next go.

The children were also challenged to stack a number of tyres to make a climbing tunnel. Firstly, they were tasked to move the tyres to the other end of the garden. They used a rope to pull along each tyre and one child had the genius idea to tow it using his tricycle. This encouraged critical thinking, problem solving, turn taking, listening and respecting one another's ideas and opinions, core strength, vestibular and proprioceptive input, gross motor skills, team building and a sense of achievement. Once all tyres were stacked, we had great fun taking it in turns to use the inside of the tyres as 'rungs' to help us climb.

What a wonderfully wet week of friendship, exploration and team games!


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