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Printing, Painting and Play!

Over the course of one week, we have packed a lot in! We have been talking about Harvest time and things we are grateful for. It is such a wonderful time of the year full of opportunities to talk about how things are grown, where we get our food from, colour, shape, size, taste, smell, science, maths and favourite stories such as 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper.

We have been singing songs such as the 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow' and 'It's Harvest Time'. Emma Hedge has been running her popular baking sessions and the bread roll hedgehogs and peach cobbler were a huge hit! Amy has been making salt dough and encouraging the children to explore using natural loose parts. There has been a straw and sawdust chaos of decorations in the woods where the children have discovered that it sticks to wet paint - including sticking it to the grown ups!


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