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Read More in '24

We enjoy and celebrate books everyday at St. Michael's! They are central to our love of learning. They help to develop language, vocabulary, social skills and communication.

Every year we take part in celebrations of books such as World Book Day and National Story Rhyme Week.  We welcome Clare from Story Bears who visits our nursery and brings in musical instruments, books, puppets and props to further captivate the children’s imaginations.


‘Read More in 24’ is a new initiative to make borrowing books easy and accessible from nursery.  We have a huge range of books varying in topics, themes and interests and for a wide age range.  Simply pick a book in the front hall, fill in the slip and your child will be well on their way to receiving a certificate for ten books borrowed!

We are welcoming donations of books from families- incorporating our green ethos too.


Nursery Manager Sarah first had the idea for 'Read More in 24 - Borrow a Book for Bedtime' earlier this year.  Sarah explains, “It comes from my own love of books, with fond memories of hearing stories in my early years. I looked forward to night-times, I loved cuddling up at bedtime, listening to stories  and then discovering I could read them myself as well!”

Statistics from the National Literacy Trust (Sept 2022) revealed one in five children, aged five to eight, don't own books at home and do not enjoy a bedtime story.  This sad statistic really inspired Sarah to introduce a library at our setting. “I feel so passionately that every child should have a book for bedtime, and was delighted when Danni and Molly shared the same thoughts and they have enthusiastically taken this new project in hand.”


Danni, a qualified nursery nurse in Dragonflies is a keen reader herself, “I’m an avid reader and I can be often found reading in the garden or just before bed.  It’s a great way to relax and a nice escape away from busy life.”

When asked what drove Danni to get involved with our new initiative, Danni enthusiastically explains how she feels it builds a good foundation for the future of the children, “It helps them with literacy and is a good help with their future learning.  That’s why I am so passionate about it.”


Reading stories to children is a moment to be cherished.  It invites a group to gather and really invest their time in the characters and the story.  It bonds a group together and invites discussion on morality and social norms.

Sarah recalls why it is so important to have good role models and why it is important to start reading with your child when they are so young, “At Primary School , at every stage, our teachers would read to us from paperback books, encouraging our imagination, painting pictures in our minds of the characters and the anticipation of the next chapter. I still remember listening to The Hobbit, The Faraway Tree and The Little Wooden Horse. These later appeared on my list to read to our own son, and his favourite Peter Pan. 

Even now I remain a 'bookworm', looking forward to the moment I can pick up a book again (an actual book, not a screen!)”.


Molly, (who has her Level 2 in childcare education), has brought in some interactive and sensory books for the sharing library.  She especially enjoys books where children are invited to ‘lift the flap’ or feel a texture.  One of Molly’s favourite stories is ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson. She explains why she likes books that rhyme, "Rhyming books are good because the children join in. They know what's happening."

We hope that you find the sharing library a really useful and precious resource.  We have already a few comments from parents expressing how this is such a great idea and a positive initiative for our families.

We wish every child exciting adventures in the world of books!


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