RSPB BIG Garden Birdwatch 2025
We are getting ready to take part in the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. This national scheme helps collate numbers of UK garden birds to see how they are faring.
According to their website, we’ve lost 38 million birds from UK skies in the last 60 years, This is absolutely shocking and with birds facing so many challenges, it’s made us more determined than ever to get involved and to introduce some simple changes to attract birds and help them thrive.
We have recently made a bird feeder using the top of our Christmas tree that was outside nursery. The Kindergarten children drilled holes in the branches for twine for it to hang and they attached an old flower pot saucer.
They children have loved gathering twigs, sticks, leaves and branches to make their own nests for the birds and they have even made a drey for the squirrels!
We have plenty of nature books, helping us with information such as identifying the birds and learning about their appearance, habitat and diet. The children have been using binoculars and bird ID sheets, ticking off which birds that they have spotted in the garden and woodland area. We were fortunate to have a real bird's nest, (that was old and disused for many years), for the children to handle and learn how to use gentle hands.
If you would like to take part in your own garden or communal area, head over to their website to register.
We look forward to bringing you more information about the birds we have spotted over the next couple of weeks.