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Ruby Robin Award

We have won another award for caring for wildlife and learning about nature.

Well done to all the children in Dragonflies and Kindergarten for winning the Ruby Robin Award.

This award was hosted by Songbird Survival: Saving songbirds with science.

The children were set tasks under the criteria Craft, Care, Fun, Learn and Bird Identification. Each challenge was designed to be engaging, fun, inspirational and and ultimately encourage everyone to take action to help the garden birds over the winter.

We built bird feeders, hanging bird tables, whittled a bird feeder, stuffed orange peels with delicious nut free bird feed, made posters, used identification books, used binoculars to spot garden birds and we even held a real, (abandoned), bird nest.

Each child received a certificate and badge for their effort and contribution.

We encourage you to think about how you can help the garden birds where you live.

Kim from The Learning Journey enhanced the children's learning focus on eco-systems and biodiversity in the garden. She read the story 'Superworm' and talked about the importance of worms, soil, composting and how they help us. Worms are incredible little creatures. We made a Wormery and the children counted five worms. We observed how they made tunnels in the different layers of sand and soil. This really helped our understanding of how vital worms are in helping to aerate the soil, allowing air, nutrients and water to reach the roots of plants.


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