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Seeds, Sunshine and Smiles!

Our little Ladybirds are having a wonderful week. They have an interest in the Role Play Area and they have been bathing their 'babies' in the little water tray in their garden area. They have sponges and towels and showing huge compassion for them. Their Book of the Month is the Bookstart book 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' and we sing it a lot! They are enjoying daily Circle Time with the Butterfly children just before lunch.

Butterflies have been embracing the Spring Equinox with planting seeds in the woodland and they have given Winnie Butter-Jelly a carrot in exchange for a Spring Equinox badge! We look forward to seeing the seeds grow.

Dragonflies have been outside making a gloopy, sensory area for their toy bugs. The children said it was "cold" and "water". They have enjoyed the woods this week weeding the Wild Flower area and digging up worms.

Kindergarten had the most fantastic time in the garden. They used the slide as a giant water chute for the cars to whoosh straight into the car tray. The children carried the bowl of water to the tray and poured it in showing excellent teamwork. We had dressing up outside, cars, farmyard on a Tuff Tray, art table, Duplo, gloop, bathing dolls. books, jigsaws, cars, playhouse and so much more! Picnic lunches, singing, stories and snoozes. What a wonderful week!


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