We are proud to announce that we have been awarded 'Plastic Free Nursery' status by Surfers Against Sewage. At St. Michael’s Nursery, we are committed to providing high quality childcare and education in a safe and secure setting, with environmental sustainability at its core. To gain this award, we were asked to document evidence to show how we have made changes within our practice that is synonymous to our philosophy & vision.
It is our vision to reduce our carbon footprint, to educate and inspire. It is important to us to promote British Values, to show care and compassion and democracy within our setting to move our notions forward.
To find out more about how we achieved this status and what we do here at Nursery to be as eco friendly as possible, click here.... https://3aeff5a3-c395-406e-9617-bda08c68e433.filesusr.com/ugd/022e30_a204ac451b1242179ac9ae602f81ee2d.pdf